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Operations toolkit

The health and safety of our visitors is our top priority.

We have an onsite medical team who can act in response to minor injuries and advanced life support with full diagnostic capabilities comparable to the ambulance service. This service can be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please let your event manager know the requirements for your event.

There are two fully equipped medical rooms including a diagnostic 12-lead electrocardiogram and five defibrillation units.

Excel works to the industry best practice document for health and safety - the AEV eGuide. You can download your own copy from this page. The eGuide brings together guidance for achieving common standards of health, safety and operational planning, management and on-site conduct for events at all participating AEV member venues.

Please read the health and safety licence inclusions document carefully and if anything is unclear your event manager will be able to help you. 

Health and safety documentation is required in the following timescales:

Service partner(s) risk assessments: 42 days prior to tenancy.

Organiser build, show and break risk assessment, fire risk assessment, complex structure submission and any other significant build information: 28 days prior to tenancy.

CDM documentation, construction phase plan and floor plan: 28 days prior to tenancy.

If you are considering the use of drones, then refer to the operation of drones at Excel. This is important given our proximity to London City Airport.

If you are planning any construction or de-construction activity within the Excel public boulevard, please ensure this is discussed and agreed during the planning stage of your event with your event manager.

You should distribute our emergency procedures document below or show our emergency procedures video to the relevant people. A copy of our emergency plan is available upon request.

Please contact your event manager if you have any further questions.

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