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Operations toolkit

The Excel London Security Department is responsible for venue and estate security provisions.

These range from a CCTV control room, building entry point detection officers, targeted patrol teams and a response driver, as well as explosive detection teams and general-purpose dog deployments, providing 24-hour cover.

In order to help with your security risk assessment for your event and to determine what you need, please refer to the checklist below:

  • How many doors will need monitoring/access/egress/fire exits?
  • What type and size of audience would be attending the event?
  • Will there be alcohol served?
  • Will there be a requirement for 24 hour security cover?
  • Will VIP’s be attending?
  • Does the event pose any form of protest threat?
  • Are there any known issues that could increase the likelihood of an incident occurring?

Please note that security for your event and tenancy area, including all the doors and shutters leading into your tenancy areas, is not included within your licence agreement. 

Please contact your event manager if you have any further questions.

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