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Venue policies

Make sure your exhibitors are aware of the policies, procedures and code of conduct specific to the venue.

Scroll through the tabs below to find more information about the venue. You can download ready-to-go copy, within each section, to use in your exhibitor manual.

The health and safety of everyone that comes to the venue is our top priority.

ExCeL works to the industry best practice document for health and safety - the AEV eGuide. The document contains  guidance for achieving common standards for health, safety and operational planning, management and on-site conduct for events at all participating AEV member venues.

The guidance includes wearing a high visibility jacket and safety shoes for anyone attending the site during build and breakdown. 

Late working 
All contractors and exhibitors are reminded that they must design their stand to ensure it can be completed and dismantled within the published stand build-up and breakdown times. Working outside of these times is not permitted. 

On arrival at the venue, exhibitors and their contractor(s) should be issued with an emergency procedures guide, which they should read carefully.  It is recommended that these aspects should be communicated in advance of coming to sitee: 

  • On discovering a fire, break the glass on the nearest manual call point (coloured red), which are located adjacent to all exits, or contact the Security Suite by dialling 4444 on an internal telephone immediately or 020 7069 4444 from a mobile device  . 
  • Do not touch or move any suspicious or unattended item but report it to the Security Suite, by dialling 4444 on an internal telephone.   (Do not use a mobile device to report a suspicious item).
  • If an exhibitor stand is by, or on the route to an emergency exit, the aisle must be clear. Anything left there will be removed by the cleaning team. 

Download ready-to-go copy to use in your Exhibitor manual.

Download here

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