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London is the World’s ‘city of choice’

If you are planning an event, there is no better choice than London as a host city.

You might say we are biased, but we have data on our side in the form of a recent report by Boston Consulting Group.  The report found that London leads the way in ‘quality of life’, using factors such as inclusivity, equality, ‘social capital’, and much more. With 250 restaurants per 100,000 people, no wonder London was rated ahead of 79 other cities around the globe. 

Here are some of the key findings: 

  • More than 90 per cent of respondents stated their station was close to their home or office, showcasing the city’s great transport network
  • 70 per cent of female respondents said Londoners had equal opportunities
  • Factors such as social connections, identifying with culture and history, and a sense of safety were major contributors to people’s happiness in London

This report was conducted by Boston Consulting Group, and analysed responses from 25,000 residents in 80 cities around the globe, using over 150 metrics.


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