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Filming & photography permits

At Excel London, we operate a Photography and Filming Policy and Permit Procedure, to ensure all filming and photography activities conducted on the Excel estate are managed safely, respectfully, and in compliance with relevant legal and regulatory standards. This helps to protect the privacy of attendees and ensures a secure environment for all. 


Licensed Event Spaces

Event Organisers working at Excel London are responsible for managing filming and photography within their licensed event spaces and will manage their own policies and procedures for venue spaces during their events. If you require access to undertake filming or photography at an event, please contact the Event Organiser directly. 

Non-Licensed / External Venue Areas

Any filming or photography outside of licensed event spaces - including the boulevard, external estate, and other shared spaces - requires a permit issued by Excel London. The permit process ensures all legal, safety, and operational standards are met.

To apply to film and/or photograph on the Excel estate, please ensure you've read the terms and conditions, and familiarise yourself with the Excel estate and FAQs below, before completing the application form*. 



Policy Enforcement

To maintain a safe and enjoyable environment, Excel London staff will monitor compliance with the policy. While personal devices used casually for non-commercial purposes are generally permitted, we may intervene if: 

  • Personal device usage infringes on the privacy of others.
  • Content is being captured in restricted or sensitive areas. 
  • Device usage disrupts event operations or compromises safety. 

In such cases, our team may request the activity to cease or take further action if necessary. 

If you require any further information, please contact


*We only accept applications three months before intended filming/photography date. Please allow up to three working days for your application to be reviewed. The requestor will be informed by email on whether permission has been granted.  

The red shading within the map below indicates the land managed by Excel London. Requests to film and/or photograph beyond those boundaries should be directed to the relevant landowners, for example Transport for London.




Do I need permission to film and/or photograph at Excel? 

As a general rule, anyone using professional filming or photography equipment, must apply for a permit. Examples include:

• Filming/photographing external shots of the venue, building entrances, restaurants, and shop fronts, as well as any security arrangements in place; and/or

• Filming/photographing internal shots of the venue, including the common areas and boulevard; and/or

• Potentially causing disruption to people or the property. 


What areas are part of the Excel estate that I need permission for? 

The Excel estate includes the venue and the land immediately surrounding it including the dock edge and water space. Please refer to the estate map shown above. 


Do I need permission to film and/or photograph inside the event itself?

You do not require a permit to film and/or photograph when the event is in tenancy. Any requests to film and/or photograph inside the event must be obtained from the organiser. 


How far in advance should I apply for a permit?

Applications take at least three working days to be reviewed and processed. Requestors are therefore advised to apply for a permit as soon as possible and allow plenty of time to complete the form and for permission to be granted (if successful). 


Do all applications get granted?

Generally, Excel grants most filming and/or photography permits. Excel reserves the right to revoke any filming and/or photography permit at any time for any reason. Please provide as much detail as possible in your application about the project to give you the best possible chance for a permit to be granted.


Should I always keep my permit on me?

Yes. Please always keep an digital or hard copy on you. You will need to show this to security personnel if requested. 


Are there any charges to film and/or photograph at Excel?

Filming and/or photography on the Excel estate is free of charge. 



What insurance do I need?

You must maintain adequate public liability insurance at a minimum limit of £5 million for filming and/or photography. Please consult our terms and conditions for the limit of liability required.


What type of equipment can I use? 

Only handheld or tripod-mounted cameras and microphones may be used.


What is your policy on using drones?

The use of drone footage - either for exterior or interior filming - is tightly controlled and requires a strict criterion to be met. Such filming must be carried our by a professional and requires multiple permissions (from different stakeholders), as well as healthy & safety assessments and specialist insurance. Any requests should be discussed directly with Excel London before submitting any application. All requests will be decided on a case-by-case basis.


Who should I contact if I have any questions or require further information?

Please email

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