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Audio visual

As an exhibitor, engaging with your audience is essential. That's where our trusted production partner Eclipse comes in.

Renowned for their technical creativity and exceptional delivery, you can rest assured that your stand draws in an engaged audience and leaves a lasting impression. 


Multi-sensory solutions

Eclipse have a suite of state-of-the-art audio, lighting, and video equipment, delivering innovative and expertly executed technical solutions that captivate your audience and engage with your visitors.

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Technical excellence

The highly skilled Eclipse team are committed to providing expert advice and guidance, and offer personalised support at every stage, ensuring that you get the most our of your event experience. 

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A sustainable approach

Eclipse are an active and engaged member of ISLA and utilises the 'Trace' platform to report on their carbon and waste metrics. They offer 3D visualisations that facilitate the efficient use of materials, and their in-house design team specialises in sustainable set construction. They are also committed to reducing emissions with a transportation fleet that adheres to stringent emissions standards. 

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Contact Eclipse

To learn more about Eclipse, please visit:

+44 (0)20 7069 4848 

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