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Excel London is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all visitors, exhibitors, organisers, staff, contractors, and partners. 

We recognise our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people, and vulnerable adults and are dedicated to preventing harm, abuse, and neglect within our venue and wider estate. 

The below summary outlines our approach to safeguarding and the measures we have in place to uphold our commitment to the highest standards of safety and welfare. 

Our policy applies to all Excel London staff and contractors working within or on behalf or the venue or wider estate; Event organisers, event contractors, exhibitors, and partners involved in activities within the venue; All visitors, including children, young people, and vulnerable adults and any third-party organisations or individuals using our venue or estate for events or services. 




We strive to...

  • Protect visitors from all forms of harm, ensuring a secure and welcoming environment. 


  • Ensure the venue is a secure place where visitors feel safe and are encouraged to speak freely about any concerns. 


  • Make sure visitors, especially children and vulnerable adults, know there are trusted adults they can approach if they are worried about anything. 


  • Provide comprehensive training to frontline staff working for Excel London to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to safeguard children and vulnerable individuals effectively.
  • Communicate all safeguarding policies and frequently asked questions on our website to equip visitors, particularly children and vulnerable adults, with the reassurance needed to feel safe and adopt safe practices. 


  • Ensure Safe Recruitment Practices by implementing thorough checks on the suitably of all staff working for Excel London. 


  • Increase awareness of safeguarding and child protection issues among all staff working for Excel London, ensuring they understand what to do if they have concerns. 


  • Establish and maintain clear procedures for identifying, reporting, and recording cases or suspected cases of abuse, ensuring prompt action and communication with relevant agencies. 
  • Develop and maintain strong partnerships with local relevant agencies. 


  • Offer support for individuals (staff) who have been abused or may be at risk of harm, in accordance with any agreed protection plans. 


  • Respond appropriately to any concerns or allegations about a member of staff in a timely manner, including low-level concerns, following established policies. 


  • Ensure all staff adhere to accepted safe code of conduct principles when interacting with children and vulnerable individuals. 


  • Address the specific needs of vulnerable individuals, including children and vulnerable adults, ensuring compliance with relevant standards and regulations. 




  • Staff Training: All front-line Excel London staff receive safeguarding awareness training, with Designated Safeguarding Lead(s) (DSL), receiving enhanced training.


  • Clear Reporting Procedures: Any concerns must be reported to our Designated Safeguarding Lead(s) (DSL), who will take appropriate action. 


  • Code of Conduct: All personnel must adhere to safeguarding guidelines and expected behaviours. 
  • Safe Environment: We conduct risk assessments, implement security measures, and monitor activities to maintain a safe and supportive environment. 


  • Working with Organisers: We provide guidance and recommendations to Event Organisers to help them manage their safeguarding risks whilst running their event at the venue. 


  • Partnership & Collaboration: We work with relevant authorities and organisations, such as local safeguarding boards and social services, to uphold safeguarding standards. 

Our policy is reviewed annually and updated in line with UK legislation, statutory guidance, and best practices. Regular audits and feedback mechanisms ensure continuous improvement in our safeguarding approach and all information is handled sensitively and in accordance with data protection laws, including GDPR. We ensure that information is shared appropriately and securely with relevant authorities when required. 


Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

For more information or to report a Safeguarding concern, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Leads via

If a child, young person, or vulnerable adult is at immediate risk, call security control on +44 (0)20 7069 4444. You can also contact the NSPCC helpline on +44 (0)808 800 5000 for confidential advice. 


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